Thursday, December 08, 2005

Who are you MWT? Who is this Seth?

To find someone who can share spiritual insights is so rare. MWT used to visit MI and gave me this comment.

Who are you? Who is this Seth? I want to own his book.

The purpose of being and life as explained by Seth……….

"You are here to aid in the great expansion of consciousness. You are not here to cry about the miseries of the human condition, but to change them when you find them not to your liking through the joy, strength and vitality that is within you; to create the spirit as faithfully and as beautifully as you can in flesh."

"In the most basic sense, the purpose of life is being--as opposed to not being.”

"Within your experience now is the joy of your being--and that fine, astute, pure nature-rousing itself up through stems of flesh and limbs of arms, looking out through your own individual eyes at the Universe it has created, and finds it good. What is gross about your being? Only your belief! You shine with reality that in other universes appears as stars, and they look and they say, "What beauty, what distance, and what fine, undefinable existence is this?"

"As all of you know, but as all of you need telling--not from me, but from yourself--spontaneity knows its own order. If you did not distrust yourselves so thoroughly, you would not worry about your responsibilities.

Being yourself automatically fulfills any responsibility. The gods created the Universe out of joy and playfulness and creativity, not because they thought they had to. Your being is blessed and spontaneous because it is. And fulfilling it with nature automatically fulfills your purposes and, in your terms, your responsibility.”

"If you are the self that you are, you use your abilities out of joy. When you use your abilities out of responsibility you distort them. You help because you think you should, not because it is a joyful part of your being. And you begin to question, "Who needs my help most?"

"The appreciation must come from yourselves. You think you are aware with techniques which you read [about]. Listen to just one cell within your body, and hear it sing with purpose, and integrity, and joy!

"Feel a leaf! Feel the petal-like quality of your own thoughts. Be yourselves in the moment and, again, what the power of the present is! I demonstrate it for you, but it is your own, and it is within you now, the energy that you perceive.”

"You each have the same energy, and it sings within your being. You need not be shy of it. It is your own! You need not look to gurus, or gods, or Seths. It dwells within you! “
"There is spirituality within your tissues. Physical existence is sacred and good. There is nothing wrong with it. Atoms and molecules, they are holy. Your consciousness is holy, and so is your little toe. You can aspire--you must aspire for that is within you. But All That Is is now within you.”

"You do not have to traverse worlds; you do not have to meet hopeless little gods at doorways to let you know whether or not you can enter or follow through on tests, as some psychics tell you. You do not have to take upon yourselves definite rituals. You have only to look within yourself for the source of exaltation, creativity and song....”

"Its sources rise from your own being and from the fountainhead of creativity that is within each of you. The teacher is within each of you, and you are yourselves the teacher that you do not recognize, and the voice that speaks in your dreams is the voice of yourself that you do not recognize speaking from the ancient founts of knowledge that are your own.”

"As easily and miraculously as a flower grows or as a hair grows out of your skull or as a thought rises from your brain, that energy resides within you. That energy is your own--your own divinity rests within it. The bridge ways that you form and that all of you know are made of this vitality. In silence it grows and is nurtured, but it is not of itself quiet. It is vigorous and it is not afraid of quiet. It forms you. Get on good terms with it and do not deny it.

"There is nothing more stimulating, more worthy of actualization, than the desire to change the world for the better. That is indeed each person's mission. You begin by working in that area of activity that is your own unique one, with your own life and activities.

You begin in the corner of an office, or on the assembly line, or in the advertising agency, or in the kitchen. You begin where you are.... When you fulfill your own abilities, when you express your personal idealism through acting it out to the best of your ability in your daily life, then you are changing the world for the better."